I took so much for granted before this adventure began. I had become accustom to things like indoor plumbing, hot water, my dishwasher, garbage disposal, and other modern conveniences. I remember when leaving the house was a breeze. Now? Now my car is approximately one mile away from my boat. We have a few options when leaving the house. We can walk or take a shuttle. Both options can be a bit challenging at times.
Walking is most challenging when wearing heels, carrying groceries or dealing with inclement weather. I am so grateful for the 24-hour shuttle service provided by the marina, however sometimes they are on lake-time and we are at their mercy. This commute has certainly been an adjustment and we are learning to build margin into our schedules.
Ironically the very thing that irritated me the most at the beginning of this journey is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts about living on the lake. We are finding a new normal. Nothing has changed other than my perspective, and that changes everything.
When I am not bogged down by bags I choose to walk the green mile, and I am learning to love it. In the morning, there are fish everywhere. In the afternoon, I have the opportunity to visit with my neighbors and the ever changing crowd at the marina. In the evenings, the moon and stars light my path. On the weekends, I am serenaded by live bands playing at Dillon’s Restaurant. Just the other day I was able to hear Hotel California as I walked down the docks towards my home. This life sure is different, but I am learning that different is good.
When I am cold, tired, juggling children or just feeling lazy I call the shuttle. This too has become a joy to me as I build friendships with the marina staff. The drive is getting a bit chilly – so we are adjusting accordingly. Just yesterday the kids and I snuggled up on the back of the golf cart and retreated underneath a big fleece blanket to stay warm. Even those moments will most likely go down as some of my favorite memories.
As we approach Thanksgiving I am reminded of how grateful I am. As I am stripped of all the luxuries I once took for granted, I am left with something raw and real. I am learning to see God’s provision in a new light. I am realizing that the life I always clung so tightly to pales in comparison to the plans God has for me. This year I am most grateful that God is patient with me, His will is perfect, and anything is possible!