It’s Monday. The lake is quiet and most of the house boats around us are vacant once again. The few people who live out here hurry off to work and it feels like I am completely alone.
It took some time to adjust to the solitude. After all, I view life as one big party, so I am still getting use to the idea of Lindsay, party of 1! I am no longer trying to fill my downtime with more tasks, but instead I am enjoying being still, reading, writing, long talks with God, long walks with the dogs and a million other things that I once had no time for. Life is different, the pace is slower, and God is bigger.
It’s Friday. The lake is starting to come alive. The houseboats that sat vacant all week are filled with people. Music fills the air, paddle boards and kayaks fill the water, and people and pets fill the docks. There is laughter because everyone is happy here. There must be some unwritten rule that forbids stress at the lake. The once peaceful lake is now filled with something different – joy!
I love that God designed us for both solitude and relationships. I love that he built us for both peace and joy. I love that I live in a place where I get to enjoy the best of both worlds!