Is it normal to want to quit before you’ve even started? Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, the weeks of travel, the insane amount of food and coffee, or maybe I am finally coming to grips with the reality of our future. The weight is heavy, but I know it isn’t mine to carry.
The church planting process is in full swing. Vision statements, core values, coffee meetings, volunteers, finances, lunch dates, children’s ministry, outreach, and a thousand other details fill our hearts, our prayers and our schedules. Life has been so busy I haven’t been able to enjoy the advantages of living on the lake. I long to sit on my patio and watch the sun set behind the mountains. Instead I see mountains of laundry and a never ending to-do list.
I think it’s normal to be a little overwhelmed, because my life is crazy. It is important for me to acknowledge these feelings, figure out what I can control and let go of and what I can’t. It’s a process and I am grateful that God is patient with me as I learn to walk in obedience.
I am weary but I won’t quit. I will choose to focus on the blessings all around me not the obstacles before me. I will draw strength from God’s Word and trust the promises I find there. I will tackle that mountain of laundry, then I will watch the sunset and rest knowing God is in control.